Comment 100086

By StephenBarath (registered) | Posted April 09, 2014 at 11:55:20

I think that this is a great idea, and I think the “30 to Zero” is catchy. And it’s the kind of thing that can be explained quite quickly to the people who ultimately take the decision to speed up and increase risk, or slow down and make everyone safer.

This reminds me of the “Twenty [mph] is Plenty” campaign in New York City. A local sign company prints eye-catching “speed limit” signs with that message, which neighbours tie on to lamp posts and what-have-you. Perhaps we could do the same thing here, get a sign company to make attention-grabbing signs, instead of ‘MAXIMUM 50km/h,’ ‘SAFE 30km/h’. Maybe I’ll call Deco Labels and see if they’d be interested.

I try to drive at what seems a safe speed in residential neighbourhoods. It would be great to have a magnet or sticker on my car’s trunk that tells the motorists behind me why.

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