Comment 115609

By Gregory (registered) | Posted December 10, 2015 at 19:27:35

Not mentioned in the article, dividing the workforce into three groups, dramatically reduces peak demand on commuter routes (and other resources), minimizing traffic jams and the need for 12 lane highways.

I think the point would be to provide some leadership to third world countries, to demonstrate that it is possible to use resources (like roads) more effectively than we have historically.

Regarding increased recreation time, ongoing, we should be promoting low emission activities and limiting high emission activities. Your point is well taken, education and better choices become even more important in a world where people have more leisure time.

As with any change, new issues present themselves as a result, but this should not prevent us from exploring the possibilities. Maybe with all this new found free time, we will be able to address more challenges. Appreciate the feedback - lets keep going!

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