Comment 124189

By ghmusician (registered) | Posted November 01, 2018 at 10:27:56

Helpful article. I can think of lots of examples of extreme responses to liberal viewpoints (gaslighting is the term you use) on Twitter and in the media these days. I've even seen a Republican campaign attack ad on a US TV station that painted a certain Democrat candidate as an "extreme liberal" and "dangerous socialist"
I am not expecting to be labeled as a bleeding heart, wasteful liberal idiot, liberal f**tard or any number of other weak and despised things just because I publicly air an opinion and disagree with something I see as hateful or unjust. As you are helping us understand is that this is an attempt to shut people up or shout them down. The whole idea of this "gaslighting" process is to move people away from reasonable discourse and discussion and understanding and to replace it with divisions, name-calling, and polarization of people into disparate groups.

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