Comment 26048

By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted July 23, 2008 at 21:39:52

ROTFLMAO!! Thanks Everyone!
As another Angry Ancasterite, i have to say that everytime gas prices go Up, the resale price & actual value of homes in Ancaster goes Down. This will continue to be the case until some sort of decent public transit that at least connects in some way to Go Service &/or Light Rail happens!

Why would one part of a city (Ancaster) refuse to connect with the city itself? Why is there a concerted effort to make Hamilton, Dundas, etc. estranged from Ancaster, at least as far a public transit is concerned?

What is it about this that Clarence Concrete doesn't get? In a place that never shuts up about 'property values', I would think that high gas prices would be a deterrent to Anybody thinking about buying a home in Ancaster,unless they can score a job in Ancaster that will pay enough for the taxes/morgage/etc. (Let's hope the 'chosen few' have enough relatives & friends to buy all these houses ;-), cuz there are going to be a lot of disgruntled residents that stand to lose money if they choose to sell their homes, & lose even more if they chose to stay.)

I would think that even a fool would understand that decent public transit & a good light rail service can ONLY INCREASE PROPERTY VALUES in any area that already lacks jobs, recreation, & any kind of intellectual stimulation that doesn't involve a 9 iron!

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