Comment 30572

By BS (anonymous) | Posted April 28, 2009 at 16:05:26

So who's wallets is this stimulating, exactly? The already overpaid City workers? They already had jobs going around fixing roads!

Why not help stimulate business that has been forced to cut jobs, so some of these unemployed -I think I read Hamilton's E.I. needs jumped 82% last month- can get their jobs back and start spending again!?!?

Again, this IS only 10 of the 150 projects, and I'd like to see the other 140, but still.

Trinity Church Rd Ext!?!?! So they're going to use this money to expropriate family homes just so that commuters can get to their new subdivision quicker? Altho I'm sure the City thinks we're stupid, as this 'Extension' is clearly just a hidden form of a RHVP Extension to the proposed Mid-Pen Hwy!

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