Comment 34341

By rusty (registered) - website | Posted October 01, 2009 at 16:06:43

Thanks Zippo - love it! The general consensus of this discussion seems to be that 'the ground floor is all that matters'. BUT - how can ground level design be so key and above ground level be so unimportant?

What 'works' with high density low-rise developments is: - availability, accessibility and attractiveness of shared entertainment areas (high rise gyms/common rooms are rarely used) - lower occupancy rates increase opportunities to see the same faces and progress from 'Hello' to 'Hello can I borrow a cup of sugar' - Co-Op residences (many of which are low-rise) require involvement with residence management and thus encourage community building - ease of access to the outside world encourages more frequent trips and thus, more interactions with neighbours. High rise residents tend to shut themselves in or take less trips because the elevator takes so long

There are probably a zillion other design features which can be introduced to make low ride residences more community minded. In terms of other low rise high density, my street features very slim 3 and 4 bedroom townhouses. Porches, parks, quiet streets, lots of amenities - all add to the neighbourhood 'feel' and all encourage residents to spend time on the street and bump into each other.

Obviously good neighbourhoods incorporate good ground level planning but if the whole block is filled with high rises the overall design is flawed.

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