Comment 36530

By TreyS (registered) | Posted December 23, 2009 at 14:52:54

The Connaught Housing Project is dead..... Merry Christmas to Hamilton. The gov rejected it.

Fence Sitter exactly. Why did the Connaught have to be Housing?. Many buildings in other neigbourhoods across this city are accessible to services, transit and retail by walking.

It never made sense to turn a 4-star hotel into a housing project right in the middle of downtown.

Off-topic. But....

Meredith... my house was a "flip", but it did come with new copper plumbing and 100 amp wiring. I'm fairly certain 90 years ago it wasn't built to code and now I'm happy with it. I really like the area and dread when I have to go on the mountain now.... where I was born and raised.

Give me another year and I'll let you know if 'flipped' houses are worth more then the paint. I hope not, so far the furnace is working, and the roof isn't leaking. But I keep my house a cool 65,.. and wear a sweater. Actually during that huge east end flood my basement stayed dry. And mine is a 1920s hand-made basement of stones.

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