Comment 43553

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted July 16, 2010 at 20:36:38

Regarding John Ralston Saul's 'A Fair Country', I read it last year around this time and it had a profound effect on me. This is an excerpt of a review I wrote on my private blog:

"I won't belabour the point here by rehashing what's in the tome. My copy was dog-footed to the extreme, there were so many bits that I just had to go back to, or excerpt for friends. Suffice it to say that 'A Fair Country' is by far the most important book I've read this year, and as a Canadian, one the most important ever. It's unsettled me, forced me to look at elements of Life in Canada in entirely different ways, compelled me to re-examine my perspective. (As a screenwriter, it's even given me pause to consider Canadian history as source material, no mean feat.)

'A Fair Country' should be required reading for all Canadians. The resulting dialogue might get us up off our collective apathetic arses and into action, at long last creating the nation we're capable of realizing.

So it goes without saying that I would recommend it to any and all here on RTH; I can't imagine not being affected by what he presents, and it very much is germane to this discussion.

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