Comment 43887

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted July 22, 2010 at 21:59:42

Ryan - You wrote "The age of suburban stadiums has passed."

If that is true it is a very recent event. The most expensive stadium ever built, Cowboys Stadium is definitely not downtown and it opened just over a year ago. In fact it is in Arlington not Dallas, just down the road from The Ballpark in Arlington. Does this mean that they are both doomed? Or just the city of Dallas? Downtown stadiums can and do work but, suburban stadiums can and do work too. Neither one is a precursor to the apocalypse.

The vast majority of fans get to Ticat games by car so parking is must for it to be viable. Look at the mess around Ivor Wynne on game days. Why create something like that on purpose? We can do better than that.

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