Comment 52138

By Andrea (registered) | Posted November 24, 2010 at 14:07:53

This may not be the most appropriate topic to make my comment, but this morning I just had the most passionate, voice-raising discussion with a co-worker about the lower portion of the City. He lives in an Ancaster suburb and thinks that all the people that live below the escarpment ("downtown, east end, north end, whatever you call it") are 'too poor to maintain their homes'. He thinks that the poverty stricken are casuing the decay of the older part of the City. He also generalized that the entire lower portion of the City is simply decaying and should be bulldozed. My argument against this vast generalization of his was to point out the high number of rental properties and absentee landlords in both the lower city and compared it to the area surrounding Mohawk College. It's easy in both cases to determine which homes house the owner, or which are kept as rental properties.

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