Comment 54122

By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted December 31, 2010 at 00:44:11

Thanks for writing this article, Jason!!

I've always found it confusing as to 'Why' people will pay to exercise & also pay others to do what would constitute a decent workout at home.
Physical activity can stretch your body & your mind. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you put your heart & mind into it. It's too bad that many look at manual labour like mowing, shoveling, planting, & even pulling out the Hoover as "beneath their dignity'.

It should be considered as intelligent multi-tasking. ("I planted, weeded, cultivated & harvested my garden. I got into better shape, I lost weight, I learned how to plant & look after a garden, & I have a freezer full of Safe food that will save me a lot of money & effort.")

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