Comment 60195

By jasonaallen (registered) - website | Posted February 23, 2011 at 13:44:32

@Undustrial - Tundra leather has been tireless with the advice and suggestions. I sewed a pair of mocassin slippers with their help last year, so the next step is to figure out how to attach the sole. I think I've got a better idea now. My main challenge is coming up with soles I can play with that won't break the bank. So far, ebay seems to be my best bet.

Also - having spent many years in the high-end shoe business, I can't agree with you more about the disaster that most footwear products have become. Robert was telling me that while it takes him about 8 hours to do 15 pairs (roughly a pair every 30 minutes - because of the way he batches the work) the offshore companies have giant industrial machines that do most of the work. Average amount of labour spent on each shoe? About 12 minutes, and man, does it show.

@BuelahAve - His prices are quite reasonable - I ended up paying slightly more than I would have had I just bought them from him, but the knowledge I gained was invaluable. I wore them non stop the week after I made them, and again to a celebration dinner on Saturday night. They are quite comfy!

@MrMeister - I was loosely aquainted with the SCA when I lived in the States (I was near Lake Tahoe - which is the home of a massive Rennaisance fair!). It may be an idea to look them up again.

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