Comment 62963

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted May 02, 2011 at 15:56:07

Sympathy? No. It's called concern.

Concern that Osama was living near in a military town near the capitol, not in some tribal mountain area. Concern that the US doesn't feel that it needs the permission of sovereign nations to operate within their borders, or it's own citizens/representatives to take such actions. Concerns that America's increasingly willing to put bombs or troops where/when ever it suits them, from the west side of Africa to India's border. Concern that Pakistan has been angered by such actions since Bush was in office, and perhaps most of all, concern that a war Pakistan isn't going to be be nearly as easy as one with Afghanistan or Iraq.

It took us months short of a decade, countless billions and a few hundred thousand dead people to catch this man. Do we feel better now?

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