Comment 67778

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted August 10, 2011 at 08:31:21 in reply to Comment 67760

If council isn't listening (mayor/city manager has said as much), what are the citizens of Hamilton to do? Try to prove the mayor wrong on a larger scale, a man who can't take a single ounce of criticism without spiraling into a tantrum?

Here's a start:

This proposal was sent out to these people:

-Neighbourhood associations -Chambers of Commerce -BIAs -All Councillors and the Mayor -Raise the Hammer -The Hamiltonian -Urbanicity -CATCH -HPD -SkyscraperPage -Hamilton Civic League -Open Hamilton -The Spec -CHML -CHCH

Let me know what you're doing that circumvents council to "actually accomplish something".

First off, when I use that phrase, I'm actually talking about Council...but seeing as I've introduced the above notion, then I'd offer that up in response, too.

Adrian's piece this morning is about our 'Champion'. Well, we need to get more involved ourselves in our local governance, so that when this person/these people pop up, there's a much different dynamic going on. In other words, we need to start effecting change on our end so that Council gets the message that it's not 'Business as Usual' in Hamilton.

As for 'ideas', that's not my focus right now. That's not my area of expertise. We have a lot of people on this site who have far more to offer than I do in this arena...and the first that comes to mind...after Ryan, of Mahesh Butani. The man is a treasure trove of innovation and insight...and ideas to change this city for the better.

Comment edited by mystoneycreek on 2011-08-10 09:10:05

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