Comment 71514

By kendall (registered) - website | Posted November 22, 2011 at 09:37:14 in reply to Comment 71509

God, wouldn't want to be considered a troll(sic) for offering a rebuttal to your position Ryan. Interesting statement, if in fact you do have email proof that OpenFile declined to participate in the draft it could change my opinion that your letter was only to help bolster RTH's own standing in line for access to City Hall. Sorry I don't see the letter as an attempt to join the alternative information sights into a united coalition to force City Hall into changing their definition of "media" in that RTH doesn't itself have a clear definition to the term. The need to have a staff and someone to call a boss position from Peggy Chapman is laughable, "media" to me can mean a group or single person who offers an informed opinion verbally or in print that can be backed by fact and confines itself to the laws of liable and slander. Over simplified, yes, but basically, anyone who wishes to follow the rules should be able to take part in a civil debate at City Hall along side the "media" and publish the results if they feel fit. Is it RTH's opinion that only their selected group of supporters should be allowed to speak for everyone, if this is in fact than I define that as "arrogance".

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