Comment 72225

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted December 13, 2011 at 13:21:20 in reply to Comment 72219

All i want to know is how can we VOTE a mayor out of office after just 1 year in office

We can't. We don't have this provision in Ontario. And I'm not even sure that we should.

or should the pls in Hamilton Occupie the City Hall untill Bob leaves office

Um... No.

I fear that at some point, we're all collectively going to have to 'put up or shut up' when it comes to 'What do we do now?!?'

So much clamouring for censure, for a slap on the wrist...for a resignation?

Does it make any sense to anyone that there might be merit in gaining a better understanding of what really and truly brought us here instead of focusing on something that, other then possibly indicating a bigger problem within the person's makeup, is a colossal waste of time, and actually contributes in tangible ways to our 'legacy malaise'?

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