Comment 82220

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted October 25, 2012 at 15:36:37

As much as I love heritage, I'd be willing to trade the existing streetwall for another that did the park justice and that "fit" with the rest of Gore Park.

This "proposal" (although at this stage we know so little about it it's hard to evaluate it) seems to incorproate the idea of a large glass grocery store opening, with parking on top on the Gore Park. That's what we'd see from Gore Park - parking and a glass wall. That doesn't fit with the rest of Gore, nor does it sound appealing to me.

I know they've signed up a top notch architect, and I'm hopeful that they'll show some designs that I can throw some support behind and, here's the key, actually build what they design.

But from what I've heard and read so far, this is not a project I can support.

I can get behind some of the other elements, but I don't want to see a parking structure in Gore Park - even if it is on floors 3+.

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