Comment 85279

By Balance (anonymous) | Posted January 17, 2013 at 23:57:56

Well done Robert D! I couldn't agree more, you've provided sound facts. I truly believe that gambling, especially those venues, that are located in vulnerable areas are a detriment to society. At the end of the day, I believe that gambling causes more financial burdens on society than the revenue it generates. In this case, I'm sure the City will gross plenty of revenues from a downtown facility including jobs, however, I truly believe that we will all pay through other means.....increased crime, ruined families, medical treatment etc. It made me sick to see how the Hamilton Police Service is supportive. This will result in another reason for the HPS to increase their budget and empire build.

This isn't solely a Hamilton issue, it is Province wide. Gambling is another vice....similar to alcholism and substance abuse. The costs out weigh the benefits. I've seen families ruined. You have to remember that one person's actions (the father or mother) can affect the family's life.....financially, emotionally etc.

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