Comment 92610

By DBC (registered) | Posted September 25, 2013 at 20:20:32 in reply to Comment 92609

Ryan, that list is embarrassing and sad at the same time. The problem is everyone who doesn't live in Wards 1, 2 or 3 just don't care.

They don't understand the ENTIRE city would benefit from complete streets. "Don't you dare do that to the streets where I live, but hey you'd live where I do if you could afford to."

There isn't a Councillor outside the Wards above that would ever support the calming of the lower city's roads.......but hey, close the Mount Albion mountain access when you open the RHVP and now make Upper Mount Albion a cul de sac.

Why is what's good for one area not good for others?

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