Comment 93180

By DowntownInHamilton (registered) | Posted October 12, 2013 at 18:24:57 in reply to Comment 93151

Unfortunately, no. My wife was briefly employed by Wal-Mart a couple of years ago and they frown on inter-location transfers. It's done only for full-time employees, and only once an opening has been posted internally.

Also, as a note, I'm certainly not a Wal-Mart apologist, but they do pay better than minimum wage, have good benefits for full-timers, and provide lots of ancillary discounts to their staff.

Also, I know the pain of having worries for a loved one who is out, late at night: my wife was working at the Wal-Mart up at the far east mountain, and was continually working until 11pm. We live in the core and it was either take a 1.5-2 hour bus trip home (when the buses were running, and if you missed the bus, forget it, you're out of luck), or me driving the 25 minutes to get up there and pick her up, then come back home. As I was already working 10-12 hour days at that time, it was a big drain on both of us. She looked into transferring and was told the above. They also said you are free to apply to other stores but would lose all seniority and no preference would be given in the interview. Luckily she was only a seasonal employee and is no longer there, but it's tough when you are working at a location with limited transit options.

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