Comment 93462

By Sean Marshall (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2013 at 12:40:05

It's worth noting that bus lanes in Toronto (such as Bay Street) generally don't exclude cyclists; a big problem with King East congestion are stopped motor vehicles, not bicycles in the way (taxis and DARTS will still be able to stop in the bus lane, BTW).

The best alternate route that I see, without a dozen stop signs, is going south to Hunter Street and go west on Hunter, north on Locke and west on Jackson across to Dundurn then up to King. The trouble of course is getting back onto King from Dundurn in the dual left turn lanes. Google estimates 16 minutes and adds 900 metres to your ride. I find King and Main scary enough as it is to ride on, at least there are decent alternatives east of downtown. But to Westdale/McMaster? It's tough and a cycle track on Main or King is definitely what's needed.,-79.875914+to:43.2581738,-79.8848612+to:43.2602381,-79.8886753+to:king+and+sterling&hl=en&ll=43.256768,-79.873695&spn=0.013955,0.033023&sll=43.256737,-79.879425&sspn=0.013955,0.033023&geocode=FW8LlAIdfUs9-ynbqspjg5ssiDEZDSs5-4IM2A%3BFXkElAIdtjA9-ykjCcaTd5ssiDF19bTBWuKbmQ%3BFT0RlAIdww09-ynh2N_NepssiDF3AcDuY9sn_g%3BFU4ZlAId3f48-ymF5ypeZJssiDGKSw7HMpNaLA%3BFRYelAIdtrY8-yFWVn0E3OY1dCnhKo5lWpssiDFWVn0E3OY1dA&dirflg=b&mra=dvme&mrsp=2&sz=16&via=1,2,3&t=h&z=16&lci=bike

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