Comment 94447

By jason (registered) | Posted November 07, 2013 at 10:18:39

I ride my bike through here regularly and always feel like I'm playing russian roulette with my life. Due to the oversized lanes on Charlton and Wentworth, cars just fly around the bend through here. Lanes should be narrowed, and a pedestrian signal installed that stops cars right at the top of the hill and north of the CP tracks. A well-marked zebra crossing or green painted path should cross Wentworth. Also, Wentworth itself from Delaware to Charlton only needs to be one-lane with ample space for street parking and bike lanes along it's length.

This should seriously be done tomorrow. I'm amazed that only one person has died here. There have been countless close calls. I've almost hit people while driving here, and I'm well aware of the path when rounding the bend.

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