Comment 100031

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted April 08, 2014 at 11:32:17 in reply to Comment 100030

When that project was on, MSMVC was in a pretty early version and I had not learned it yet, or even heard much about it. I came from a background of writing windows apps before that.

Since then I started learning MVC4 in earnest, with jQuery. It is so much better. You can actually achieve clean markup output. Very easy to learn too if you already understand each core concept. If I have to do an MS site in the future it will be MVC. I guarantee I'm done with web forms, totally obsolete technology anyway so it's moot.

However I've moved away from writing MS web apps altogether, and do them in other frameworks now. The focus shifted pretty dramatically. For the better. I enjoy the work more now, and can spend more time exploring the cutting edge of what browsers can do, while still keeping things very clean.

In government, on the other hand, such things tend to move much more slowly, and many managers stick with what is familiar to them, don't they. And so, whether city website, or regional fare card, we get clunky things that barely work and drain the public purse more than necessary. Too bad.

Comment edited by mikeonthemountain on 2014-04-08 11:39:15

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