Comment 101155

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted May 08, 2014 at 16:08:58 in reply to Comment 101154


Either way, in spite of the high gas taxes we pay (and most other vehicle revenues are penny-ante next to gas taxes) you have to consider how expensive it must be to maintain all those lanes of roadway. The Red Hill cost hundreds of millions of dollars to build, and that's one small chunk of this city's massive roadway. I mean look at it - thousands of kilometers deeply-dug flat landscaping and gravel with meticulously poured and leveled asphalt on top... contructed to take daily abuse from multi-axle heavy freight trucks that physically compress the asphalt as they roll over and make cracks that allow water in (which, in turn, freezes and makes the asphalt erupt into pot-holes). Look at how much manpower and hardware roadwork involves. How long things like the 403 bridges and the Queen Street Hill take with constant workers milling about. Did you think those guys worked for free?

Roads are expensive. Just because the city doesn't send you a bill itemizing your yearly contribution to the roadway doesn't mean they're cheap.

When Mr. Hudak talks about gutting the Metrolinx transit plans in favour of building things like the mid-pen, he's not actually talking about saving any money, just spending it on different things. I actually might have a shred of respect for him otherwise.

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