Comment 102287

By KevinLove (registered) | Posted June 10, 2014 at 15:06:58 in reply to Comment 102273

I see that this person was driving a car in Toronto. Where Toronto's Medical Officer of Health reports that

  1. Car drivers poison and kill 440 people every year.

  2. Car drivers poison and injure 1,700 people every year so seriously they have to be hospitalized.

  3. Children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to being poisoned by car drivers.

  4. Children experience more than 1,200 acute bronchitis episodes per year as a result of being poisoned by car drivers.

  5. Children experience 68,000 asthma symptom days due to being poisoned by car drivers.

  6. The health-care costs of people being poisoned by car drivers is $2.2 billion per year.

If someone is going to be such a violent, dangerous sociopath that he chooses to poison innocent children, then it is no surprise that this person should reflect these vicious tendencies in print.

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