Comment 103854

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted August 10, 2014 at 09:04:13

Don't want to get involved in a right or wrong debate right now. What I will share, is that traffic is often stopped for red pedestrian activated lights, long after the person is gone. It goes like this. Pedestrian pushes button at a crossing. Upon a break in cars, person crosses. Just as a new wave of traffic catches up, light turns red. Dozens of cars stop for no reason and wait out the light.

A PXO solves these. Press a button. Lights flash, once the first cars that can stop safely do so, person crosses right away. Drivers don't stop unnecessarily, and only for the duration the person needs to cross. A youth sprints across, cars wait 5 seconds. Elderly person hobbles across, cars wait until she is through safely.

Under conditions of proper etiquette, PXOs are immensely superior. But our planners have decided they can't use them here, because we are so poor in etiquette, that PXOs apparently functionally become a suggestion only, with ambiguity added.

Many people, at pedestrian crossings, do what CoreB does. They cross when it's safe, or when the light changes, whichever comes first. Often tons of cars stop afterward, unnecessarily. I advocate bringing back PXOs.

Comment edited by mikeonthemountain on 2014-08-10 09:05:41

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