Comment 104867

By jason (registered) | Posted September 26, 2014 at 07:39:47 in reply to Comment 104826

There's no new info. In case you've not been paying attention, the mayor and Clark have been making the rounds lying through their teeth. 1. They continue to refer to this Mac study as 'new info we never had before'. Umm as they've been reminded over and over, Mac first released the early version of that study 2-3 years ago. It was covered extensively here on RTH. 2. These so called secret documents again were part of the early discussion and merely tell us that BRT can in fact move large volumes of people. But not as many as LRT, and more costly to run, and a noisier, smellier, bumpier ride. Anyone who hears that and says "I'm sold on BRT!" is part of the problem why Hamilton has lagged for so long. No self respecting citizen or taxpayer should settle for bland mediocrity. Especially when all cities around us are fighting for transit dollars for LRT and associated services.

Heck, even Burlington is now prepping LRT plans as they see us possibly caving to the deadbeat squelchers once again and missing a massive investment in our future. They would LOVE to constrict the first LRT line in the Hamilton area.

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