Comment 10767

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted August 09, 2007 at 16:04:34

Here's my engineering drawing for what they should have done:

In case it's hard to decipher the technical terms of the drawing, basically they should have had the trail pass by the front of the store, with pedestrian crossings across the trail with poles along the trail there so that nobody on the trail can go too fast.

So they'd have moderate speed bikes and pedestrians between the parking lot and the store, and trail users only have to cross rifle range and then they don't encounter any cars until the next road crossing.

As it is now, trail users have to navigate across several parts of a traffic laden parking lot ... and along the front of the store they have a driveway so shoppers have to cross a vehicle traffic lane to get from the parking to the store. Insanity!

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