Comment 110495

By CyclingHamilton (registered) - website | Posted March 25, 2015 at 07:23:26 in reply to Comment 110460

Where is the OP getting that? From the organization's own website. It specifically states that locking a bike outside of the "service area" will result in a 100 dollar charge. This has also been confirmed via email by the Social Bicycles Hamilton staff.

It's easy to SAY they are waiving the fee, but until an official statement from SoBi confirms - and they change their Terms and Conditions to match - the official policy should be taken at face value.

And, when push comes to shove, the fact is that we ALL paid for this with our tax bucks - we should ALL get a chance to partake.

That said, you are correct in your dispute of the Queensdale assertion. Fennell remains a much, much better option for commuting because you can manage your speed to hit all the traffic lights in their green phase. Queenston is littered with stop signs, which generally trumps wide lanes. Fennell and Mohawk are still far and away the best east-west routes in the upper city.

Comment edited by CyclingHamilton on 2015-03-25 07:43:02

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