Comment 112539

By Haveacow (registered) | Posted July 04, 2015 at 14:22:41

The point about Toronto is not an opinion, its fact. Keep in mind there was no neighborhood there back then in the early 1970's, when the Federal Government had a big election announcement and The City of Toronto (Through the Harbor Commission) would get all the land from the industrial harbor and former ship yards between the ferry docks and the island airport. The land parcels and the soil was extremely toxic and had to have all its soil go through environmental cleanup and remediation. The federal government didn't give any funds for this extremely expensive endeavor. The Harbor Commission had no option but to sell parcels of clean land to pay for the soil cleanup. The cost of the soil remediation went up like everything else in the 70's and therefore more land had to be sold. The main problem is once you establish a pattern, and you have no land use plan because the Harbor Commission didn't feel it needed one, developers can argue you can't stop giving me permission to build when you have allowed someone else the same right, by your actions you have established a precedent.

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