Comment 119894

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted August 29, 2016 at 12:29:18 in reply to Comment 119893

That is perverse! It's crazy that taking city streets is actually quicker than the freeeways at rush hour.

Now (at 13:26) the comparative times for someone living at Garth and Stonechurch to 403/Longwood are:

12 minutes via the Linc/403 (11 minutes with no traffic) and 14 minutes via Garth/Beckett/Aberdeen (13 minutes with no traffic)

so the Linc/403 route is two minutes faster off peak.

Google gives exactly the same estimated travel times for both routes for someone leaving at 8:00am: 12-20 minutes. So, again, there is typically no advantage to taking city streets.

For someone leaving at 8:20am the travel time is actually a bit longer on Garth/Beckett: 12-22 minutes compared to 12-20 minutes on the Linc/403.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2016-08-29 12:33:21

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