Comment 122250

By Haveacow (registered) | Posted December 10, 2017 at 19:24:52

I don't want to rub salt in a open wound but get your, you know what in order Hamilton! Your council is letting you down by dithering with meeting dates. Make a decision to join the LRT club or not.

Next week Ottawa opens the latest section of our transitway from Bayshore to Moodie Drive. This section will be converted to LRT as part of the Stage 2 Program in early 2020.

Meanwhile at Belfast Yard, work has already started on the expansion of the LRV Storage Shed/Barn for stage 2 and stage 1 isn't finished yet.

Earlier this week we had the second public meeting for the expansion of the LRT network into Kanata (stage 3). No funding yet and unless we get more from the provincial and federal government, it won't open until after 2031 but it's moving forward anyway. We will have the route planned out at the least. Then there is the extension to Gatineau across the Prince of Wales Railway Bridge to still deal with.

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