Comment 130304

By cameronkroetsch (registered) | Posted August 15, 2019 at 12:15:28 in reply to Comment 130303

If you think this is just about Justin Trudeau and the carbon tax, you're not listening closely enough. I've stood and listened to the things that they're saying and witnessed the real violence they're capable of. The slope is beyond slippery. Those other forms of systemic racism definitely need to be addressed, but that's not going to happen by shrugging our shoulders at what others are highlighting. It's all serious. And, for the record, Cameron (me), is not telling people to disengage from City Hall: quite the opposite, actually. In the last few years, I've consistently shown up to delegate, attend meetings, and work toward improving our government. I can assure you that my record of involvement to improve things in the City and to work with City Hall would stand up to whatever scrutiny you're applying. I'll be delegating again soon. You're welcome to come down and see it for yourself. In the meantime, there's lots of video, minutes, and documents you can access to catch up on the work I've been doing.

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