Comment 13817

By USATomorrow? (anonymous) | Posted November 10, 2007 at 02:53:54

I got involved in some activism over the last few years, & I feel that much of what Ben says is correct. It's either business or politicians pandering to the right group/lobby on the right topic that gets politicians elected.

One surprising thing among some of the activist leaders (Canadian) was their affinity to U.S. politics of the Right Wing variety, esp. since this was a topic that apart from opposing the party that brought in the legislation, there was no real "right or left" to the issue.

I was told that we 'have no democracy' in Canada... as opposed to the U.S.-? The fact of our having multiple political parties seemed to be a problem for them too. (I would think more parties heard from = more representation of more viewpoints?)

It was truly scary to hear people that are supposed to be about a Canadian issue, (at least as it happened in Canada) getting all wired-out about the greatness of U.S. democracy, & why our Righty political types are not nearly Righty enough for them.

IMHO, these people used a politically neutral issue to polarize people who opposed that legislation to the Right. It was a huge betrayal of the original protest, & most of the people that it affected.

It's not just the moronic aspects U.S. culture (bad films & pop. media) that we have to worry about spreading like a virus. Now it's the U.S. style 2 party only system, Church=State, guns=freedom,& paranoia as a way of life political agenda.

I think that Fear Mongering is becoming a real source of power & influence over voters, instead of actual platforms with real ideas, both in the U.S. & Canada. (Heck, it worked for Hitler, Stalin, & Mao.) It's so much more simple & cost effective than actually doing anything about problems. You just blame somebody else, while lining your pockets, if possible & bringing in more 'sheep' to the fold.

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