Comment 1687

By architect critic (anonymous) | Posted October 23, 2006 at 09:44:54

That giant house (Riemer) on the front page proved one thing. Even with unlimited money, builder connections and a desire to build a 'mansion' people still can't build a decent looking mansion that compares anywhere to the castles in Durand.

The shlocky, fake green window shutters and cheezy unbroken brick made that house look like any middle class house but just big. The keystoning is the same proportions of any regular 2000 sq ft house. It is so ugly, the dinky bell tower is not proportioned well, the odd angles give the impression of an unplanned house. A 'design your own dissaster' house. I don't know what's with the strange 'cyclops' eyeball tri-window over the main entrance, the cheap drainspouts running from the roof, and the stupid arched brick entrance. I don't know who designed that, but that house is pathetic, an embarassment to today's millionaires and builders. It seems like they really can build things like they used to.

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