Comment 26511

By Linchpin (anonymous) | Posted September 10, 2008 at 22:52:49

Several years ago, I came to the conclusion that the (apparant) egalitarianism of the NDP, the (apparant) eco-awareness of the Green Party, and the (apparant) anti-statism of our RTH colleague "A Smith" and his ilk are not contradictary goals. When removed from the din of centralized and authoritarian institutions (capital no less than the state), these social ideals reinforce each other, indeed depend on each other for realization.

Only one political movement sees the inherent complementarity of freedom, equality, and harmony with non-human nature. Call it what you want. It has many names: radical democracy, direct democracy, communalism, autonomism, social anarchism, left-libertarianism, or simply libertarianism (before that veritable term was jacked by market fundamentalists.) The basic concept is people collectively managing their communities and workplaces without the dictatorial authority of the boss or the pseudo-democratic authority of the politician.

Yes vote. But it pains me to see some of the most critical and reflective members of the community putting their attention into a dog-and-pony show.

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