Comment 26561

By lorne (registered) - website | Posted September 13, 2008 at 17:28:47

As someone who was raised in the core of Hamilton many years ago, I have retained a nostalgic affection for those times of vitality that I remember so, when grand theatres such as Palace and The Capitol thrived, when stores such as Kresge’s, Zellers, Woolworths, Eames and Sons, Eatons, etc. had no shortage of patronage.

While I know those times will likely never return, I am consistently impressed, not just by those currently taking a chance on the core either by moving there or opening up a new business, but also by the indefatigable efforts of the committed people at RTH. You do a marvelous job boosting the City of Hamilton’s profile, as well as keeping us informed about key municipal issues, far better than the other local media do.

Your labours of love are appreciated by many people.

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