Comment 27127

By Richard Wright (anonymous) | Posted November 01, 2008 at 17:20:40

First let me apologise for my last blog. Too long...too many points...

But, I do declare, I may have found the Rosetta Stone of my argument that shipping jobs overseas isn't about sharing the properity but rather about exploiting the third world and its lack of workers' rights, fairness, environmental controls, lack of health/insurance costs. Mr. Smith, (sorry...not picking on you, merely exploring your argument...) if China has an average wage of $2900 per capita and Canada has an average wage of $37,400 (which I find strange and please don't quote Statistics Canada or the Canada Food Guide since both have been repeatedly compromised for political purposes...) WHY NOT INSIST THESE CHINESE WORKERS BE PAID $37,400 PER YEAR BY OUR SUPPLIERS? In fact, we can refuse to buy their goods unless there workers are paid a truly fair salary. That way we can share the wealth and prosperity and advance their standard of living. Truly an idea whose time has come? What do you think?

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