Comment 27176

By Grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted November 06, 2008 at 09:29:11

A Smith has no empathy, he views in the world, in his own expectations, which is not realistic. It should not be free trade but fair trade.

To be honest a plan is already set in motion and well for the most part, the average person no matter where they are on this global, is going to be struggling more.

The best the people can do, is at a local level, buy locally, get all involved in the local community, have open discussion with business, workers and average people to identify problems from all sides and to hopefully come up with reasonable solutions.

I went to a social justice forum and one of the topics was a Canadian company which has moved jobs from Canada to another country. I find it very distrubing that with this move, those workers in the other country work in deplorable conditions, and it is our own fellow "rich" citizens, the owners, seem to have no conscience about this. Is it not reasonable as Canadians to lay pressure on this company and others that do the same thing? Are we not all global citizens? How can those at the top demand the best of things in their pursuit to earning a living, yet deny others the basics of human and employment rights? I would also say that those, high up in government levels, turn a blind eye as well, when one looks at things in a perspective, of who is getting protection, those the capitalists with never ending resources vs the most marginalized workers around the globe.

The powers to be want things at a global level, yet seem to have a problem with International Labour Standards. We are seeing, here in our own country, many that are affect by the downgrade of employment standards for those who the most marginalized. One only has to look at the policies of Workfare and Elect to Work.

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