Comment 28013

By Brandon (registered) | Posted December 31, 2008 at 12:09:32

If the economy was doing fine, then "let them die" would be an acceptable approach. However, given the fragility of the current state of affairs, "let them die" would end up putting millions out of work in North America. Good idea? I don't think so. Can you name another industry that has so many spinoff jobs?

Not only that, but the majority of their problems aren't caused by the product mix, it's caused by an inability of people to get credit to purchase their product. It's tough to argue that the financial crisis was caused by the manufacturers.

Sure they were badly hurt by the rising gas prices, but they are/were in the process of shifting their product mixes to compensate. I know for a fact that GM had put its high performance division (HPVO) on hold and were focusing on hybrids. Too little too late? Maybe, but the credit crunch came at the worst possible time for them.

All the downsizing their doing isn't a bad thing (provided you aren't the one being downsized), as it means that should they eventually go under, it's less jobs being lost all at once.

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