Comment 29427

By Younion (anonymous) | Posted March 09, 2009 at 13:36:32

"Ah, union catering. Why is it non of our major parties support everyone, rather than specific interests? The Liberals and Conservatives represent Big Coporations. The NDP represent Big Unions, which, ironically, are also Big Corporations.

^^ Maybe because unions are how workers (most people, last time I checked) can ensure fair treatment in the workplace. We all bash on unions these days forgetting that we have comfortable, safe jobs BECAUSE of those unions - even when we're not unionized ourselves.

Anyone who's anti union is anti citizen, pretty much. Unions have always supported political parties that look out for the common person - just think, the worst thing that can happen for unions in a narrow sense is higher minimum wages and stronger labor laws, since that cuts into the reason for unions existance.

But they campaign for those things anyway. That's what makes them different for Corporations - they actually care about the common interest instead of just their own self-interest.

"Hamilton hasn't learned anything from the Lister fiasco, and all the other LIUNA problems."

Liuna aren't anything like a regular union, it's more like a front for organized crime, check out for lots of ugly details.

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