Comment 30812

By Meredith (registered) - website | Posted May 06, 2009 at 00:34:14

I'd picked up the Star article a while back simply because someone left that section of the paper on the train, and it made my day. Seeing the bigger picture to it and the changes in New York discussed here and on SSP has been great.

When you have one person with vision and the power to implement it.. sometimes it really does just take the one. I know it's a cliche, but everything really does rise and fall on leadership.

I hope as some of these changes occur and people begin to sit up and take notice, that Hamilton (and other cities) won't wring their hands and say "but it would never work here, we're not _____"... but instead understand that these principles are transferable to different contexts... and a few of Hamilton's own to become the visionaries - or at leat more visionary - in their own places of leadership.

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