Comment 31786

By jason (registered) | Posted June 16, 2009 at 19:02:40

great piece Frank. Very enjoyable read. Welcome to the RTH stable!

Sadly, reports like the ones you quote have been coming out for years. Unfortunately, the public is still 'split' on whether these examples are true because the box stores have endless cash to throw around with 'studies' of their own, endless media time and expensive public relations that no researchers could ever dream of matching.

It's becoming more and more embarrassing to call Hamilton home with all of these backwards developments.

You'd think it was 1990 all over again....which I guess is better than most of the time when council makes it feel like it's 1950 again.

Regardless, I'm holding out hope that the city can fend off the big boxers at the Innovation District and I'm less hopeful that big boxers (Walmart is the latest rumour) will be kept out of the other box project planned for Barton and Ferguson. Living downtown I feel like an encroaching army is slowly advancing on all sides. Give me a boarded up Lister Block any day of the week over a 200,000 square feet slab of stucco blue.

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