Comment 32259

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted July 02, 2009 at 22:23:13

Jason >> If I want to live in a downtown highrise, I should be able to without having insane tax rates in order to subsidize Mr. and Mrs. American Dream.

I agree 100%, lower tax rates to 0.5% and let people decide what type of homes get built.

>> If I want to use transit or my bike as my mode of transportation I should be allowed to.

When you allow politicians to control how land is used, you end up with decisions based on politics, rather than profits. In areas of the economy where profits dictate production, there are no shortages to speak of. In areas of the economy where government monopolizes production, you do have shortages.

In the private sector, if you buy a big house, that doesn't limit my ability to buy a smaller house. In government, if you get a new car lane, it does limit my ability to get a new bike lane. In the private sector, there is no conflict between consumers, both get what they pay for. In the government sector, all there is, is conflict, with various parties vying for the biggest share of the pie. That's why people vote. Voting is a form of warfare that pits one resident against another. I ask you, which is the better system, the one that causes conflict between neighbours, or the one who gives everybody what they pay for?

>> You're trying to promote the very thing that Mr. Smith hated - complete government control over where and how we live.

The only reason why you don't have good cycling infrastructure is because the government monopolizes that area of the economy. Remove government from the equation and the market will decide what gets built. If you're correct in saying that lots of people want to use bikes, then the big bad free market will build them until the city is fully covered.

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