Comment 33299

By Unbelievable (anonymous) | Posted September 09, 2009 at 01:20:48

I can't believe this...........I'm sick and tired of paying property taxes in this City, this Province and Country. We've already given this Connaught group about a $1 million and this is what they are finally coming back with.............more government handouts. Downtown already has enough with Spallaci, the place beside the strip club, City Views and City Place and who knows what else. Factor in the old age homes and city leased space. What a joke.

We need a real downtown renewal division in this city not what we have. In my opinion this is a sad day for downtown Hamilton, I can't believe this......I am sympathetic to the needs of the less unfortunate but this is such an iconic building. If this happens it will definitely send the wrong message, there has to be something better for such an icon.

I'll admit, I have nowhere near the financial wear with all, but if I won the lottery I'd buy the Connaught and restore it to it's glory. It would be the premier location in the city for everything.

I don't know what else to say, I'm shocked. I probably should have waited a day to send a message. I believe the Connaught is a symbol of the downtown, more so, then anything else including the Lister Block. King Street is our major street in this City.

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