Comment 33304

By sir ponsonby mather-farquhar (anonymous) | Posted September 09, 2009 at 09:37:49

the population does not necessarily need to be reduced, what a sinister concept, indeed, according to my sources the planet should be able to support a population of ten billion. the whole concept of lack is in fact a myth perpetuated to keep people competing and paying the highest possible prices for eveything. nobody in mainstream society gets even close to their fair share of the planets resources, as they are all being monopolised for profits. it is no accident that humanity is rife with insurmountable problems and endless conflict. the people of earth are like farm animals being slowly culled at the feeding trough, unaware that somebody has to miss out in order to keep the fear going. and while distracted by these obstacles, the farm animals are powerless to change their circumstances while the farmers continue their cruel and inhuman practices, causing unimaginable suffering on a colossal scale. i hope they are not religious because if they are, a nice hell awaits them.

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