Comment 36417

By highwater (registered) | Posted December 17, 2009 at 01:52:36

Aw, A Smith. You so fear human contact that you have managed to convince yourself that being an object of ridicule on RTH is more effective than getting together with like-minded individuals to try to bring about the changes that you would like to see. You're breaking my heart.

One last thing, why is it that you, who owns a business, has no interest in lowering their tax bill?

Repeat after me: there's more to life than taxes. Of course you would have to leave your apartment to realize that, but trust me on this one. We have low rent in a beautiful location. It's a creative business and there's a great talent pool of creative, skilled people here in a niche industry that simply doesn't exist in Burlington. We would have to go to Toronto to find a similar labour pool, but then the overhead would be prohibitive, not to mention the commute. Maybe you'll own a business when you grow up, then you'll realize that taxes are only one of many variables.

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