Comment 36433

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted December 17, 2009 at 17:49:25

I am not a big believer in government spending, but according to the 2009 city budget, only $2,207,594 was spent on economic development by the end of 2008. That's $2.2M out of a budget of $711M, or 0.31%.

In contrast, recreation received $23,376,920 and transit $41,258,765. We all know that the major issue facing Hamilton is the lack of good paying jobs, or jobs period, so might it not be a better idea to focus our efforts on this, rather hockey arenas and public golf courses?

If the city spent just 2% of the total budget on promoting economic growth, that would be $12M more each and every year that could be focused on creating new goods and services to sell to the rest of the world.

In time, we might even gain a reputation as being a good place to find a job, something Hamilton used to be known for.

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