Comment 37171

By Imperial (anonymous) | Posted January 20, 2010 at 13:48:57

Hi Again Folks

Jeremy from the ICCA again.

There are so many things I'd like to say right now but I've been learning over the course of this project to say things that are productive - not just gut instinct which tends to be the way on blogs where no one has to actually stand up to their opinions.

To the comments about "unemployed artists" and such - I simply wave my hand. I'll never be worried about convincing folks with such a limited perspective that our industry is strong and teaming with very well-employed people. Almost 10,000 of us in Hamilton actually.

To those who wish they had their say in the process. We had multiple public engagement sessions, interviewed dozens of artists and creative businesses, spoke with many major cultural institutions, etc throughout the process. We've maintained a Facebook group about the project, advertised the info sessions in the Spec and View, sent out flyers and hundreds upon hundreds of emails to invite the creative cluster to get engaged. We literally created the database of creative industry businesses/organizations for the City so they would know you exist. So I know we've reached out.

All that said we will need to continue this effort for the duration of the project to ensure your voice is part of this development. In all of the projects we've looked at around the world of similar scope this, coupled with the financial complexity of these projects, has been the most difficult. Finding community consensus - especially in Hamilton - is very difficult. Regardless, we are seeking it and welcome it.

On the financial front these projects are probably the most difficult kind of development there is. It's not cut and dry like condos or an apartment complex. It's not like building a university campus where they know they have Ministry funds and simply need to call the appropriate DeGroote to make it happen (not that they're that simple either), it's not just throw your name in the hat for affordable housing money - ITS ALL OF THOSE THINGS COMBINED. Many projects of this nature include 20+ sources of funding - private, public, venture, donors, sponsors, etc.

To truly understand the nature of this project I'll send you to a pretty website.
Take a look at this project :

To hold off the naysayers right off the bat - I know we're not the lower east-side of Vancouver, our project doesn't currently incorporate housing (but I wouldn't be surprised to see it enter the story at some point), etc. But the complexity and desire for an inclusive and creative environment is much the same.

This is going to take time and patience folks. If you have something tangible and logical to present I've posted my phone number and email address below so we can talk as real humans, with names and such. If all you want to do is post anonymously on a blog...well I guess you can do that all ya like.


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