Comment 39715

By Vod K (anonymous) | Posted April 13, 2010 at 13:05:32

Here is the servey here. Click on the part that says "click here" to access it. Heck fill it out of you want.

The survey really gets skewed in the grading section. You will see the middle row which most people would perceive as "neutral" is actually labeled "somewhat important". I wish they would put little addendums by them like "in stadium restaurant (if we put this where there are no other eating alternatives)" and "in stadium patio (if you were outside surrounded by industry)or "in stadium patio (provided it doesn't become another Hess Village).

This might be wishful thiking but I do think this will go in the West harbour with the Cats as will ful tenants. I think this is just a big public negotiation. The cats will go to West harbour but not without additional incentives.

Remember when the Air Canada Centre was built? At that point the Leafs and Raptors were building their own seperate arenas. Well the Leafs said the ACC (then only the Raptors potential home) was "the worst place to put an arena" even though theirs was planned 2 blocks over on the other side of Union Station. One year later the Leafs own the Raptors and the "worst possible location" ACC. In other words- If the surrounding dollars are right, the lousy locations suddenly become good ones.

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